After much ado I think I got this to post. We'll see.
The main thing I have to say about my speech is, "wow, I really shouldn't do these things when I'm sleep-deprived." I definitely need to work on my fluency; I stopped a lot and struggled to remember the correct particles to use. I was also a lot more nervous than I'd expected to be. Though I'd practiced it out loud a fair amount, next time I need to practice it more in front of more than one or two other people. Considering the fact that I can hardly present things in English anyway...
Another problem was that as I struggled through the first few lines and found myself stuttering, it just made me more nervous. Sort of a viscous cycle.
Overall it was really good practice. Now I know to work on my fluency, confidence, and accent.
3 件のコメント:
I thought your speach was very interesting. It's ok to be nervouos I guess because I was really nervous as well. Maybe next time you can practice in front of other poeple so you will get more comfortable making the speach.
それから、これからしなくちゃいけないこと(パットンさんはFluency, confidence, accentと言っていましたね)が自分で分かったことはとてもよかったと思います。